Saturday, July 4, 2009

The left is deathly afraid of Sarah Palin.

Every chance they get there are hammering her and trying to destroy her.
Hmmmmm........... I wonder why..........
Could it be that she truely relates to the American people and has our interests at heart?
Could it be that she will be the next Reagan like figure that the true Conservatives are looking for?

Ahhhhhhhh,,,While I am at it: A word of warning to you good for nothing Mcain Republicans....We concervatives have yall's number and if you think that you will win elections ....You best think again! We will move heaven and earth to defeat those of you who are always trying to discredit conservatives...Sarah Palin being one of them.....and then kowtowing to the left every chance you get.....

Yes! We are watching and biding our time and we will defeat those who are trying to distroy Conservatives! WE ARE WATCHING!

Sarah go for it.....Conservatives are 100% behind you girl!

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