Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where have all the Consevatives gone?

As I watch and observe the debacle that is happening in Washington. Conservatives....Yes I said Conservatives....
What has happened?
Have those who claim to be up in the beltway...........Have they lost their tiny minds?
It doesn't take much if any intellect to know what is right and what is wrong....Sticking and standing by Core principals and doing what is right.
Yes....They claim they are!
I am here to tell you that they aren't!
They have lost their moral authority to preach to the ones who live it daily......

Ones who stand by their core beliefs...not being swayed from them because it is the easy way out....Teaching their children what it means to live right...To believe in America...To be patriotic...The love of country...The belief that those we elect will do what is best for America and not be SELLOUTS!

So called Washington Conservatives have sold US out and our Children and our Children's children!
You in the beltway are a disgrace to this great Nation of ours!

Where have all the Conservatives gone in Washington?

Our Constitution outdated?

I was listening as I was driving home to an individual who would seek to circumvent The Constitution for his own benefit in the name of taking from those who have to giving what was taken to the have nots.
Does this sound crazy or what?
Well.It may sound so..but in truth..there are those who don't want to work hard to get a head in life and want to steal from those who bust their humps to make a good life of their families and to live the American dream.
This individual had the audacity to say that the Constitution was outdated and no longer needed as it is written.
When asked if he( the individual ) enjoyed the freedom of speach.He said of course it our 1st Admendment. Well now enlighten me: Is our constitution as it is written ............What we as Americans go by.live by.and honor............OR..it outdated and should be thrown out with the trash?!
I will tell that person,,,,,,,yes I am talking to you( Individual ) you have no right to speak out! Is that what you want? Thrown the Constitution away that is waht will happen.

I say unto those who espouse that way of thinking.....If you don't love AMERICA..................Get out!

Family is the cornerstone of our lives.

Family is the cornerstone of our lives. With this in mind, it is each and everyone's responsibility to build a family which has a solid foundation. We start first with our family then the people we know and help them in any way we can and the moment to do so is now.

We do not wait till the structure of the family breaks down and then think how we can make repair the damages. We give attention to it as if we are growing a seed and nurture it with water, sunshine and fertile soil. We start with loving our family by encouraging them, listening to them, teach them good values, understand them, nurture them with good nutrition and exercises for a healthy minds. When we start caring for ourselves and our loved ones, our family stays intact as the values of the family are solid and each member of the family knows that they can trust the family to help them with any issues as there is already a strong bond and good communication.

We focus on building a family based on unconditional love. Unconditional love never fails anyone and that is exactly how we should bring up a family. When everybody has a good family, our society grows and prospers and when a society prospers, we then have people contributes to society and that contributes to a stable country with good leadership qualities.

Family as each letter of the word has a great meaning to it which is Father Mother I Love You. Once the family is intact, the whole structure of society is stable and hence our duty or mission in life is to first love ourselves and then we have an outpouring love in us to love our family unconditionally. If we are unhappy, it is a tall order to love someone else or even to take care of someone else. With this in mind, start taking good care of our mind and our body. We allow only positive thoughts into our minds and throw out the negative emotions as the negative emotions hold us back. We need to exercise our body to release the stress of daily life and when we are able to nurture our body with good nutrition and exercise, we have the energy to take care of others and be creative in fulfilling our dreams in our lives. When we have a sense of purpose in our lives, we are able to extend a hand to those who need support to help them as well.

I would go for building a happy family first and then extend a hand to those who need help. When we help others we help ourselves as we do not leave alone and need others for the services they offer. We need nurses and doctors, lawyers and teachers and so many other professionals to enjoy our lives. Help ourselves build a great family and then help other. We will have a society that when energy is focus on strengthening the family, it is a great society and the leaders have truly hit the target on leading the nation.

author: Helen Tay.

Values, morals and ethics

Values, morals and ethics


Values are the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should and shouldn't, good and bad. They also tell us which are more or less important, which is useful when we have to trade off meeting one value over another.


Morals have a greater social element to values and tend to have a very broad acceptance. Morals are far more about good and bad than other values. We thus judge others more strongly on morals than values.


You can have professional ethics, but you seldom hear about professional morals. Ethics tend to be codified into a formal system or set of rules which are explicitly adopted by a group of people. Thus you have medical ethics. Ethics are thus internally defined and adopted, whilst morals tend to be externally imposed on other people.

If you accuse someone of being unethical, it is equivalent of calling them unprofessional and may well be taken as a significant insult and perceived more personally than if you called them immoral (which of course they may also not like).


Now I ask you to listen to our Congressmen and women: Who are they blaming instead of being honest and and excepting responsibility for what they have caused.

Remembering our forefathers

danktara@yahoo.comFrom an early age, I have been inspired by the study of our founding fathers. Men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and so many others, come to mind when we speak of these patriots. They all had a passion, a dream for our great nation...under God.
It is unbelievable that just 200 + years later, we are so far from that passion, that dream.
A spirit of deception is engulfing our land. What can I do about it? What can you do about it?

First and foremost, I can humble myself and pray. That is what God's Word says to do. "If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14

Next, I can speak to others of my concern and my passion. At all times, I must keep a Christian attitude, knowing that God cannot use me to help this nation, if I do not let Him shine forth in my life.

I trust that all conservative-minded people will bind together as never before and determine, by God's grace, to make a difference, for the sake of our beloved United States of America.