Thursday, April 2, 2009

There is hope yet

The youngest one looked up at her momma and said: Momma I want that easy bake oven. Her momma ignored her for a few minutes and so the little girl repeated it again.
The momma look abit on the harried side as she was holding the hand of her other child. She said: No Lisa that toy cost a way too much!
The child still not to be deterred demanded the toy.
Instead of her momma getting angry with he child...calmly said to her: Lisa we can't afford it right now.
She then picked the child up into her arms and hugged her and then said this: Remember what we have learned in Sunday school?
Little Lisa nodded her head a few tears trickling down her cheeks yes..Momma: Trust and believe and god will help us.

When I see how the momma was trying to instill faith in her little children.I thought to myself:

Yes there is hope yet for America

All You Need To Know About Conservatism Happened Prior to 1823

Mike: The judge of all things conservative out there is upset with me because I called Obama a Maoist. Once again, just like I cost John McCain the election. Remember that? All these right-wing wackos, I mean, “You cost John McCain the election because you’re not supporting him.” I didn’t cost John McCain the election.

I’m not the one that told him to be an amnesty supporter. I’m not the one that told him to violate the Constitution and to pass McCain-Feingold. I didn’t put any of those words in his mouth. I’m not the one that told him to propose that the government buy everybody’s mortgages so that the mortgage market can stabilize. I didn’t do any of those things. McCain did all that on his own. All I did was point it out. And I will tell you something. Now, you listen to me. When someone is acting with the impunity towards the states, towards the American public, and towards the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation and the Bill of Rights, the way that Barack Obama is, he, in my estimation, Mr. Wrangler pant-wearer, is a Maoist, sir. And I’ll take nothing back. As a matter of fact, I might even say it again. Just did.

I get a kick out of this, that some of you people want to imply that somehow we’re going to have or we’re going to gain a victory over these tyrannical despot tin-horn dictator wannabes that have no regard for human life. Now, here’s a guy that votes against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. And I’m supposed to call him a Boy Scout. I’m supposed to revere and to honor him. “But Mike, he’s the President of the United States of America. And you have to....” No, I don’t. He disrespects the office every day, acting as though going on sitcom television shows and having town hall meetings with a bunch of brain-dead zombies flown in from wherever, that that somehow equates leadership. Mocking and making fun of Special Olympics kids in a deadpan joke that fell on leaden ears. What has he done to respect his office, Mr. It’s My Fault and You Give the Conservative Movement a Bad – let me give you another clue here. Let me give you another hint here, whoever it was that’s upset with me. And I think this needs to be addressed because I have received emails on this, as well.

Let me give you another clue here about this. You people that define conservatism as what the modern-day conservatives, the neocons, define it as, you’re the ones that have a problem, and you’re the ones that caused this. And you’re the ones that are doing nothing to abate it. And you’re the ones that stand in the way of a path back to where we supposedly want to get to. Conservatism does not draw its thought process from what happened in 1994. It doesn’t draw its thought process from what happened with Barry Goldwater in 1962, or from Ronald Reagan’s speech in 1964. It draws its thought process, its foundation, and its principles from what happened in 1776. And before that from what happened in 1758. And then after that from what happened at George Washington’s home when the Fairfax Resolves were passed in 1775. Ever heard of ‘em? And before – and then after that, shortly after that, from Mr. Jefferson going back to Monticello and penning this thing called “A Summary View of the Rights of British America.” This is the foundation. This is the core. And it hasn’t changed. And you shouldn’t want it to change.

Author: Mike Church Show Transcript


During these "dark" days, there doesn't seem to be a lot in the world to encourage us. I was driving to work yesterday, listening to Patriot News on Sirius Radio.
Nothing good to report...things are going downhill.
For a while, I was pretty discouraged. All of a sudden a scripture came to me, "Hope thou in God."
What a "bright" thought!! God is a God of hope! He is unchanging, He is all powerful, and He is still in control!!
That same thought followed me all the way to work, and I realized that I needed to change my way of thinking.
Stop trusting in men and commit the future to God!
Sure, I must be concerned, I must pray, I must tell others to press on for the cause of right. But no one can take God away from me...He will always be my rock!!!
