Friday, July 24, 2009

Please Forgive Me, To My Children, and My Grandchildren, And Un-Born Grandchild. Gary W. Halsey Sr.

My Dear Children and Grandchildren,

First of all, let me start this letter by saying to all of you, that I love you with all of my heart, and that each and every one of you mean the world to me, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I felt compelled to apologize to you for my behavior, and for the rest of my generation's behavior, in our decision making for the last 63 years. Life seemed so simple when I was your age. My parents disciplined each and every one of us kids, with a firm hand, coupled with lots of love, and devotion to help make our lives a little bit better than their hard lives that they had to live back in their daythings weren't so simple way back then. We learned responsibility early in those days by discipline.

Somewhere within the sixty-three years of my life, our values and morals have changed from the way we were initially raised. Those were the days. Most of us believed in God, we had steadfast morals that would never ever change, and we all were raised with the standards of being proud Americans. We had that "All for One, One for All" attitude, and stood united "In God We Trust". Somewhere along the line, we lost that concept. We voted Democrat, not for the issues, but mostly because we were "Democrat", and the same for the Republicans. When we voted, we didn't learn about the candidates that we voted for, it was popularity votenot the issues at hand. We didn't do our homework before we voted, we didn't "read the fine print". That is why our government wants to take the word "God" out of everything, because there are those cowards in government, that WE voted for, that have no values, or morals, or back-bone. This is because we didn't do our homework.

I apologize to you about our failure to believe in God. I apologize to you for breaking every one of the Ten Commandments that God has given us, and to this day, I still pray and repent for forgiveness. No longer will our kids experience, and enjoy the Morning Prayer at our public schools, to thank God for another glorious day. I experienced this in school, and I loved it, your kids won't. There are those spineless cowards in our local and Federal governments that would soon like to just "Forget" God entirely. Their vanity has gained momentum, thinking that all we need is "The Government", not God. They have already taken God out of our schools, now they want to take it off of our money, off of any government buildings, they want to take God out of EVERYTHING, and I voted for them without knowing. I trusted them. There was a day when you could trust you leaders, yesactually TRUST your leaders. Now, you can trust no one in government. I apologize for possibly ruining your chances to enjoy Social Security Retirement, which I am now doing, because of our inability to plan ahead for our children, and now there are to many fingers in the till of our Social Security funds, that really should not be there. Your kids will now have the burden to save for their own "retirement", and I apologize for that too.

I want to apologize that our local, and federal governments, took your rights away as being responsible citizens and parents. We set in motion they ability to inflict heavy consequences for disciplining your children, now it's called "Child Abuse", so for teaching your children the difference between right and wrong, no longer exist, because you can go to jail for it. You have no values of going to church anymore, because we as parents didn't take you to church when you were growing up. Oh yes, we took you to the fun things like the Christmas ceremonies at our local Catholic church, but we didn't go every Sunday like I had to. But you know, when I had to go, it exposed me to the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I learned why our people were raised "Under God", One Nation "Under God" and we learned about our creator and this was called values and morals. I apologize for making you embarrassed to bring up the word God in public, making you ashamed to talk about him with your friends. Me, and my government did that. It's not you fault that so many young people do not like to work now, because we let them think it was easier to take as much time away from work as they want, and that it's okay, because we now have a thing called Welfare. It's okay to be irresponsible, because the laws have stated that you can go in to get free pregnancy test, without your parents knowing after all, they're just your parents. I apologize for making that okay to do. I could go on and on, about the things that could have been different, but I won't. Perhaps this will give you an insight as to where to start changing some of these things that an not right, and hopefully, you will make them right. If you can see the errors of my ways, perhaps you can rebuild your life, to give YOUR children a fighting chance to be a caring society. I apologize for it all, I wish I could have had this insight 63 years ago; perhaps this would have been a better world today.

Is there hope? I hope so. Can it be fixed? It can if you fix it. Can God be brought back into our schools? Only if you believe, and demand that he is put back into our public schools. Can we fix Social Security? Only if you make demands to your government to keep their fingers out of it, and stop doing things with it that they shouldn't, its not their money, its yours. How about our morals you say? Go to church, learn about God, and find out what morals really are according to the word of God, not according to man. Unfortunately man has been tainted with his/her own greed, and can no longer be trusted, believe only in God, and the good book, that is your salvation. Learn it, live it, and never sway from its truth. As far as greed, as the old saying goes "You Can't Take It With You", its true, but God will be there for you. I love you, and I pray for your forgiveness, don't be irresponsible like some of my generation has been, (not all, but some), I am ashamed of it, and pray we will be forgiven by our children, and by God. I will say, that every generation has there "Up's And Down's, and we hopefully will learn by our mistakes, and I am hoping you will learn by our mistakes.

Love, Your Dad, and Grandpa,

Gary W. Halsey Sr.