Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wake up America

It doesn't matter what party one is affiliated with: Republican, Democrat, Independent, or Libertarian.

We as Americans want the best for our country..Our families...Our right to remain free and have liberty and justice.

Now is the time to come together as a people and stop the insane spending and taxation that is destroying all that is great about our country.

So now Average Americans are Extremist?

Now average Americans just like me who are true Conservatives are being called radical right wing extremist.

What happened to the liberty and freedom to speak out?

By Dan

  1. If you disagree with the current administration you will be labeled as a right wing extremist. People in this country MUST read the Department of Homeland Security report which is posted as an unclassified document. This is a picture of what this administration thinks of those who do not fall in lockstep with what the administration thinks of as meaningful change. Wake up America. Napolitano should resign… Obama should resend this report and apologies should be made. Can you imagine what would have happened had Bush released such a report targeting American citizens? Scary.

    By Nicole on Apr 14, 2009

It is so frustrating to me that people are still taking sides on this issue. Last time I checked it doesnt matter to Uncle Sam whether you are Republican or Democrate we still all pay taxes. Our government is like a two year old child. They keep trying to see how far they can push us and test us before we give them a swat on the behind and let them know we rule the roost and we will guide them in the right direction. Well the American people are fed up it doesnt matter which end of the spectrum you fall on this is our money, our country and our future as people of a still free country. I encourage everyone to attend a tea party in your area tomorrow. Its time to take our country back from the politicians who are try to sell us and our country out.

By mike on Apr 14, 2009

Physically ill from the Anderson 360 report I just saw with that stupid Peter Bergen. I worked for Homeland Security, on a local district level (coalition of counties) for 3 years and had a small amount of respect for this guy. I think the fact that he’s British and these are tea parties are just too much for him. He and Anderson had the most incredible paranoid story supporting story on us right wing conservative homegrown terrorist. If anyone has read that piece of crap report, which I did for a living for 3 years , they know what a partisan unfounded pack of lies it is. However, I can deal with being attacked for my views. I am, after all, a farm girl who rescues stray cats and volunteers to feed the hungry, so I totally understand I am a perfect example of a “lone wolf operative”, but for goodness sake, attacking returning veterans as possible mindless recruits for some kind of mass right wing anarchist movement? Have they no shame? I am trembling angry and SO at the Mt. Juliet tea party tomorrow. My sign will read “Mr. Obama’s tax plan “REVOLTS” me”.

By Jennifer on Apr 14, 2009